Connecting international donors to low-income pension savers

Pensions Across Borders

The team behind D3P Global, are proud to announce their Social Enterprise dedicated to enhancing their mission to cut old age poverty. The new initiative ‘Pensions Across Borders’ will connect a family of international donors to boost income for old age people in poverty.
Our Vision

Pensions Across Borders aims to boost pension income for one billion+ low-income people facing poverty in old age!

Our mission is to connect a global family of donors to make cross-border contributions directly into secure and sustainable pension accounts for low income people – creating a community of savers to ensure a decent old age.

Our Initiative

Identify Countries

Identify countries where the domestic pension system and international payments channels are already secure and efficient and work with donors and governments to ensure funds go to low-income pension savers.

Work with Countries with Secure Pension Systems

Work with countries where the pension system is secure but fixes are needed to ensure large scale international donor transfers into individual accounts.

Work with Countries to Reform their Pension Sytems

Works with countries where reforms are needed to the pension system to create efficient and secure individual pensions account which can receive international donor transfers (or remittances from family members working abroad) and would also help develop the country’s pension system.

Working to provide a decent retirement for millions of people across the world destined for old-age poverty!

Some Of Our Contributions

Anyone can be a Donor!

This can be a short description about a project or an industry you are contributing to through the reliable products you build.
This can be a short description about a project or an industry you are contributing to through the reliable products you build.
This can be a short description about a project or an industry you are contributing to through the reliable products you build.

Want to be a Donor? Let us Help!