About Us

The Pensions Across Borders Team Has A Wealth Of Knowledge And Experience From Working On Global Pension Policy For Decades In All Regions Of World, In Countries Of All Income Levels And In All Parts Of The Pension Eco-System.

The vision for the initiative was developed over time from the experience of working to improve a domestic pension system alongside work on the governance of the (global) investment allocations that pension funds make. This highlighted the connection between global flows and the potential for donors to leverage transfers at scale that could be targeted to individual accounts in which contributions could grow over time to have the biggest impact.


We work on boosting coverage for low income informal sector workers from India to Ghana and Vietnam showed the central importance of good individual identification (ID) and effective information technology (IT) combined with good design and governance of the pension value chain to create stronger domestic pension systems.

We work on enhancing government incentives beyond standard tax incentives to the role of matching individual contributions or providing kick-start bonuses from the UK to Turkey to New Zealand highlighted how government or donor contributions can significantly enhance pension outcomes for individuals.

We work with development agencies, regional groups and individual countries on linking remittance payments into insurance and pensions and improving the regulation and supervision of pensions so that large scale transfers can be made safely and securely created the final part of the picture that if all brought together can create new opportunities to help millions with a simple, low-cost and secure way to transfer donor funds with impact.

The team has worked in the pension systems of their home countries directly as policy makers and regulators, in international development organisations aiming to maximise the impact of donor interventions, in different parts of the pension value chain from investment to administration and payments and in a range of charitable, teaching and pro-bono advisory capacities. The Pensions Across Borders initiative provides a platform to bring together this unique combination of skills in combination with donor funds to provide lasting impact for millions of low income savers around the world.

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